Model railway station
The train from Carlisle to Ravenglass was horrendous. When the train arrived I was concerned that the vast crowd of people on the platform would not fit as the lenght of platform indicated a short train. Indeed, when it arrived it had only two carriages. Everyone quickly congregated around the doors waiting for people to get off the other side. However, as the train emptied of arriving passengers, the conductor pressed a button and the rear carriage separated with a hiss and clank. We were left with one car. The crowding was Japanese style but fortunately we got a seat and the train left 10 minutes late.
The journey itself was uncomfortable and very slow. Crowds of teenagers to the stations before Ravenglass filled the single carriage. We arrived eventually 30 minutes late. This was the sight at the station. It doesn't look real and is a contrast to the train itself.
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