Border patrol
The train to Ljubljana was very spacious and this is one thing that surprises me across Europe. The standard class trains are as spacious as first class in the UK. However while they were spacious they weren't as new and clean as British trains and certainly not the luxury that Scandinavia has to offer. Travelling by train in these parts seems pretty rare. Whether it's politics or terrain the rail routes are poor and people tend to rely on buses. We crossed the border on the train and the first we noticed was when a load of police entered the train with very fierce looking border guards. They immediately marched off an old man who didn't have a visa (not sure where from) leaving his wife alone and looking a little confused. She stated blankly the rest of the journey. We shared our carriage with a load of English and Irish backpackers. Was is coincidence or is this always the case? The border patrol reached us and began to question us about where we've been, how long, what we're carrying and so on. It was very little disconcerting. As they moved on they dissected a toilet cubicle and even pushed open the roof looking inside with torches. Thankfully the rest of the journey was without fuss. They only issue was our hotel which I called to confirm when we'd arrive and they said their last check-in was 9pm an that was the time we were due in to the station. I got annoyed and agreed to their €25 surcharge, but then they called back and said it was all okay. That was was relieved as so far all our stops have been great.
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