Misty Mountains
The wind is still blowing strong as we get back into our ride. We're all cold and trying to get warm as we watch the mountains pass by in the distance. The sand is rising along the horizon and appears like woodsmoke from a faraway forest fire. It's slightly eerie. I wonder if we'll get it here. Or maybe it is here and we just can't see it.
Back at the camp we clearly are in the midst of it all with everything that isn't bolted down blowing in circles around the sand.
All this wind proves another opportunity to get on the blokarts. This time I go alone and so no photos. It's a mad ride over the sand and gravel and at one point I even take off as the wind blows me over a hump. We build up quite a speed and instead of the runway, this time we follow the long main road to the end of the property line. But the excitement is cut short when one of my tires blows out while catching some gravel. I ditch the kart and have to wait for others to complete the long ride and return with the truck. We make it back only just in time for the afternoon's activities.
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